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Haber, Fritz

  • 1 Haber, Fritz

    Haber, Fritz

    English-Croatian chemistry dictionary > Haber, Fritz

  • 2 Haber, Fritz

    SUBJECT AREA: Chemical technology
    b. 9 December 1868 Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland)
    d. 29 January 1934 Basel, Switzerland
    German chemist, inventor of the process for the synthesis of ammonia.
    Haber's father was a manufacturer of dyestuffs, so he studied organic chemistry at Berlin and Heidelberg universities to equip him to enter his father's firm. But his interest turned to physical chemistry and remained there throughout his life. He became Assistant at the Technische Hochschule in Karlsruhe in 1894; his first work there was on pyrolysis and electrochemistry, and he published his Grundrisse der technischen Electrochemie in 1898. Haber became famous for thorough and illuminating theoretical studies in areas of growing practical importance. He rose through the academic ranks and was appointed a full professor in 1906. In 1912 he was also appointed Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry at Dahlem, outside Berlin.
    Early in the twentieth century Haber invented a process for the synthesis of ammonia. The English chemist and physicist Sir William Crookes (1832–1919) had warned of the danger of mass hunger because the deposits of Chilean nitrate were becoming exhausted and nitrogenous fertilizers would not suffice for the world's growing population. A solution lay in the use of the nitrogen in the air, and the efforts of chemists centred on ways of converting it to usable nitrate. Haber was aware of contemporary work on the fixation of nitrogen by the cyanamide and arc processes, but in 1904 he turned to the study of ammonia formation from its elements, nitrogen and hydrogen. During 1907–9 Haber found that the yield of ammonia reached an industrially viable level if the reaction took place under a pressure of 150–200 atmospheres and a temperature of 600°C (1,112° F) in the presence of a suitable catalyst—first osmium, later uranium. He devised an apparatus in which a mixture of the gases was pumped through a converter, in which the ammonia formed was withdrawn while the unchanged gases were recirculated. By 1913, Haber's collaborator, Carl Bosch had succeeded in raising this laboratory process to the industrial scale. It was the first successful high-pressure industrial chemical process, and solved the nitrogen problem. The outbreak of the First World War directed the work of the institute in Dahlem to military purposes, and Haber was placed in charge of chemical warfare. In this capacity, he developed poisonous gases as well as the means of defence against them, such as gas masks. The synthetic-ammonia process was diverted to produce nitric acid for explosives. The great benefits and achievement of the Haber-Bosch process were recognized by the award in 1919 of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, but on account of Haber's association with chemical warfare, British, French and American scientists denounced the award; this only added to the sense of bitterness he already felt at his country's defeat in the war. He concentrated on the theoretical studies for which he was renowned, in particular on pyrolysis and autoxidation, and both the Karlsruhe and the Dahlem laboratories became international centres for discussion and research in physical chemistry.
    With the Nazi takeover in 1933, Haber found that, as a Jew, he was relegated to second-class status. He did not see why he should appoint staff on account of their grandmothers instead of their ability, so he resigned his posts and went into exile. For some months he accepted hospitality in Cambridge, but he was on his way to a new post in what is now Israel when he died suddenly in Basel, Switzerland.
    1898, Grundrisse der technischen Electrochemie.
    1927, Aus Leben und Beruf.
    Further Reading
    J.E.Coates, 1939, "The Haber Memorial Lecture", Journal of the Chemical Society: 1,642–72.
    M.Goran, 1967, The Story of Fritz Haber, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press (includes a complete list of Haber's works).

    Biographical history of technology > Haber, Fritz

  • 3 Haber Fritz

    Хабер Фриц (1868-1934), химик-неорганик и технолог. Впервые получил (1908) на полузаводской установке жидкий аммиак из азота и водорода. Лауреат Нобелевской премии 1918 г. Инициатор военного применения отравляющих веществ

    Германия. Лингвострановедческий словарь > Haber Fritz

  • 4 Fritz Haber

    Wikipedia English-Arabic glossary > Fritz Haber

  • 5 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    Университет им. Александра и Вильгельма Гумбольдтов г. Берлин, обучение ведётся на факультетах теологии, педагогики, физического воспитания, социальных наук, философии, истории, библиотековедения, химии, психологии, фармацевтики. Основан в октябре 1810 г., состоял из четырёх классических факультетов: юриспруденции, медицины, философии и теологии. Создателем университета был Вильгельм фон Гумбольдт. Благодаря его концепции университет снискал себе почётный титул "Отец всех современных университетов". Университет оказывал огромное влияние на духовное развитие Германии, т.к. среди преподавателей университета были философ и первый ректор университета Фихте, Гегель, Александр фон Гумбольдт, братья Гримм, а также филолог и историк Моммзен, философ и теолог Шляйермахер, математики Эрнст Куммер, Леопольд Кронекер, Карл Теодор Вайерштрас, химик Август фон Хофман и физик Гельмгольц. 29 Нобелевских премий были присуждены учёным, работавшим в Берлинском университете. Среди них были Эйнштейн, Фишер, Планк и Хабер. В университете в разные годы учились Гейне, Фейербах, Бисмарк, Либкнехт, Меринг, Маркс, Тухольский. С 1829 г. клиника "Шарите" входит в состав университета на правах медицинского факультета. В 1828-1945 гг. университет носил имя Фридриха Вильгельма (Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität). После Второй мировой войны в 1949 г. университет стал носить имя Александра и Вильгельма Гумбольдтов. Здание в стиле французского классицизма, памятник гражданской архитектуры XVIII в. Главный корпус построен по проекту Георга Венцеслауса фон Кнобельсдорфа. У главного входа стоят памятники Вильгельму и Александру фон Гумбольдту <zu Berlin – в отличие от "in Berlin" – восходит к началу XIX в., когда города Пруссии получили относительную самостоятельность. Чтобы разграничить "сферы влияния" города и королевского двора, который не желал находиться "в" городе, то есть на территории городского подчинения, решили, что прилегающий к дворцу район будет считаться "у Берлина" (zu Berlin). Об этом до сих пор напоминают названия ряда учреждений> Humboldt Alexander von, Humboldt Wilhelm von, Fichte Johann Gottlieb, Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Grimm Jacob und Wilhelm, Mommsen Theodor, Schleiermacher Friedrich Daniel, Helmholtz Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand, Hofmann August Wilhelm von, Einstein Albert, Fischer Emil Hermann, Planck Max, Haber Fritz, Heine Heinrich, Feuerbach Ludwig Andreas, Bismarck Otto Eduard Leopold von, Liebknecht Karl, Mehring Franz, Marx Karl, Tucholsky Kurt, Zweiter Weltkrieg, Charité, Knobelsdorff Georg Wenzeslaus von

    Германия. Лингвострановедческий словарь > Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

  • 6 Technische Universität Berlin

    тж. TUB
    Технический университет г. Берлин, обучение ведётся на факультетах физики, химии, инженерных технологий, физической культуры, горного дела, информатики, электротехники, экологии. В настоящее время самый большой технический университет Германии. В университете впервые осуществлён на практике т.н. "технологический трансфер" (Technologietransfer) – университетское подразделение, поддерживающее контакты с научными и производственными институтами. В начале 1990-х гг. в результате университетской реформы число факультетов сократилось с 22 до 15. История университета начинается с основания Фридрихом Великим в 1770 г. Горной академии в Берлине. В 1799 г. была открыта Строительная академия, а в 1821 г. Ремесленная академия. В 1879 г. они были объединены в Королевское высшее техническое училище (TH). В Берлинском техническом вузе учились и преподавали лауреаты Нобелевской премии Карл Бош, Фриц Хабер, Густав Герц, Вольфганг Пауль. В 1899 г. кайзер Вильгельм II пожаловал университету (первому в Германии) право присваивать учёную степень доктора наук. В 1918 г. по инициативе Георга Шлезингера при вузе был основан Институт промышленной психотехники, который занимался социальными аспектами производственных процессов. В 1926 г. была введена новая специальность "инженер экономики". После войны открыт в 1946 г. Berlin, Technische Universität, Friedrich II. der Große, Bosch Carl, Haber Fritz, Hertz Gustav, Paul Hermann, Wilhelm II.

    Германия. Лингвострановедческий словарь > Technische Universität Berlin

  • 7 Chemical technology

    Biographical history of technology > Chemical technology

  • 8 Габер, Фриц

    Fritz Haber

    Русско-словенский словарь > Габер, Фриц

  • 9 Габер, Фриц

    Fritz Haber

    Русско-словацкий словарь > Габер, Фриц

  • 10 Fowler, Gene Jr.

       Prestigioso montador (Hangmen Also Die, Fritz Lang, 1943; Mientras la ciudad duerme, While the City Sleeps, Fritz Lang, 1956; Forty Guns, Samuel Fuller, 1957; Run of the Arrow, Samuel Fuller, 1957, entre otras), se atreve en siete ocasiones a situarse detras de la camara con resultados nada espectaculares, aunque hay que decir que su segunda pelicula, I Was a Teenage Werewolf, se ha convertido con el tiempo en una pelicula de culto. Dirigio, tambien, algunos episodios de series de television. En su haber, un par de westerns.
        Showdown at Boot Hill. 1958. 71 minutos. Blanco y negro. RegalScope. Regal (Fox). Charles Bronson, Robert Hutton, John Carradine, Carole Mathews.
        The Oregon Trail. 1959. 86 minutos. Color DeLuxe y CinemaScope. Fox. Fred MacMurray, William Bishop, Nina Shipman, Gloria Talbot.

    English-Spanish dictionary of western films > Fowler, Gene Jr.

  • 11 Barton, Charles T.

       Sus primeros anos los ocupa en labores de actor de vodevil. Aprende el oficio de realizador de James Cruze, que le da la alternativa en 1934, con Amor en ruta, modesta pelicula de serie basada en una obra de Zane Grey. Su labor como director, con casi noventa peliculas en su haber, entre cine y television, fue anodina, destacando eso si por su eficacia como gestor, lo que hizo que le fueran encomendados muchos proyectos en los que no se deseaba gastar demasiado dinero. Lo mejor de si mismo lo dio en la comedia, genero al que se dedico preferentemente a partir de los anos 40. Trabajo con alguna asiduidad para la pareja Bud Abbott-Lou Costello, manteniendo una importante relacion personal con el segundo de ellos. Su ultimo western estrenado, Zorro, the Avenger (1960), es una sintesis de 6 episodios de la serie televisiva que, con el mismo titulo, produjo Walt Disney. Excepcionalmente se incluye aqui, debido a la labor de sintesis realizada, que la aproxima a una obra de creacion genuina.
        Wagon Wheels (Amor en ruta). 1934. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Paramount. Randolph Scott, Gail Patrick.
        Rocky Mountain Mystery. 1935. 63 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Paramount. Randolph Scott, Charles Sale, Ann Sheridan.
        Nevada (Nevada). 1935. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Paramount. Buster Crabbe, Kathleen Burke.
        Forlorn River. 1937. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Paramount. Buster Crabbe, June Martel.
        Thunder Trail. 1937. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Paramount. Gilbert Roland, Charles Bickford, Marsha Hunt.
        Born to the West. 1937. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Paramount. John Wayne, Marsha Hunt, Johnny Mack Brown.
        Out West with the Peppers. 1940. 63 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Columbia. Edith Fellows, Dorothy Ann Seese.
        Shut My Big Mouth. 1942. 71 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Columbia. Victor Jory, Fritz Feld, Lloyd Bridges, Adele Mara, Joe E. Brown.
        The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap. 1947. 78 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Marjorie Main.
        Zorro, the Avenger. 1960. Blanco y Negro. Walt Disney. Guy Williams, Charles Korvin.

    English-Spanish dictionary of western films > Barton, Charles T.

  • 12 Bergius, Friedrich Carl Rudolf

    b. 11 October 1884 Goldschmieden, near Breslau, Germany
    d. 31 March Buenos Aires, Argentina
    After studying chemistry in Breslau and Leipzig and assisting inter alia at the institute of Fritz Haber in Karlsruhe on the catalysis of ammonia under high pressure, in 1909 he went to Hannover to pursue his idea of turning coal into liquid hydrocarbon under high hydrogen pressure (200 atm) and high temperatures (470° C). As experiments with high pressure in chemical processes were still in their initial stages and the Technical University could not support him sufficiently, he set up a private laboratory to develop the methods and to construct the equipment himself. Four years later, in 1913, his process for producing liquid or organic compounds from coal was patented.
    The economic aspects of this process were apparent as the demand for fuels and lubricants increased more rapidly than the production of oil, and Bergius's process became even more important after the outbreak of the First World War. The Th. Goldschmidt company of Essen contracted him and tried large-scale production near Mannheim in 1914, but production failed because of the lack of capital and experience to operate with high pressure on an industrial level. Both capital and experience were provided jointly by the BASF company, which produced ammonia at Merseburg, and IG Farben, which took over the Bergius process in 1925, the same year that the synthesis of hydrocarbon had been developed by Fischer-Tropsch. Two years later, at the Leuna works, almost 100,000 tonnes of oil were produced from coal; during the following years, several more hydrogenation plants were to follow, especially in the eastern parts of Germany as well as in the Ruhr area, while the government guaranteed the costs. The Bergius process was extremely important for the supply of fuels to Germany during the Second World War, with the monthly production rate in 1943–4 being more than 700,000 tonnes. However, the plants were mostly destroyed at. the end of the war and were later dismantled.
    As a consequence of this success Bergius, who had gained an international reputation, went abroad to work as a consultant to several foreign governments. Experiments aiming to reduce the costs of production are still continued in some countries. By 1925, after he had solved all the principles of his process, he had turned to the production of dextrose by hydrolyzing wood with highly concentrated hydrochloric acid.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Nobel Prize 1931. Honorary doctorates, Heidelberg, Harvard and Hannover.
    1907, "Über absolute Schwefelsäure als Lösungsmittel", unpublished thesis, Weida. 1913, Die Anwendung hoher Drucke bei chemischen Vorgängen und eine Nachbildung
    des Entstehungsprozesses der Steinkohle, Halle. 1913, DRP no. 301, 231 (coal-liquefaction process).
    1925, "Verflüssigung der Kohle", Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure, 69:1313–20, 1359–62.
    1933, "Chemische Reaktionen unter hohem Druck", Les Prix Nobel en 1931, Stockholm, pp. 1–37.
    Further Reading
    Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, 1985, Friedrich Bergius und die Kohleverflüssigung. Stationen einer Entwicklung, Bochum (gives a comprehensive and illustrated description of the man and the technology).
    H.Beck, 1982, Friedrich Bergius, ein Erfinderschicksal, Munich: Deutsches Museum (a detailed biographical description).
    W.Birkendfeld, 1964, Der synthetische Treibstoff 1933–1945. Ein Beitragzur nationalsozialistischen Wirtschafts-und Rüstungspolitik, Göttingen, Berlin and Frankfurt (describes the economic value of synthetic fuels for the Third Reich).

    Biographical history of technology > Bergius, Friedrich Carl Rudolf

  • 13 Bosch, Carl

    SUBJECT AREA: Chemical technology
    b. 27 August 1874 Cologne, Germany
    d. 26 April 1940 Heidelberg, Germany
    German industrial chemist who developed the industrial synthesis of ammonia.
    Bosch spent a year as a metalworker before studying chemistry at Leipzig University, obtaining his doctorate in 1898. The following year, he entered Badische Soda-, Anilin Fabrik (BASF), the leading German manufacturer of dyestuflfs. Between 1902 and 1907 he spent much time investigating processes for nitrogen fixation. In 1908 Fritz Haber told BASF of his laboratory-scale synthesis of ammonia from its constituent elements, and in the following year Bosch was assigned to developing it to the industrial scale. Leading a large team of chemists and engineers, Bosch designed the massive pressure converter and other features of the process and was the first to use the water gas shift reaction to produce the large quantities of hydrogen that were required. By 1913 Bosch had completed the largest chemical engineering plant at BASF's works at Oppau, and soon it was producing 36,000 tons of ammonium sulphate a year. Bosch enlarged the Oppau plant and went on to construct a larger plant at Leuna.
    In 1914 Bosch was appointed a Director of BASF. At the end of the First World War he became Technical Adviser to the German delegation at the peace conference. During the 1920s BASF returned to its position of pre-eminence in high-pressure technology, thanks largely to Bosch's leadership. Although increasingly absorbed in administrative matters, Bosch was able to support the synthesis of methane and the hydrogenation of coal tar and lignite to make petrol. In 1925 BASF merged with other companies to form the giant IG Farbenindustrie AG, of which Bosch became Chairman of the Managing Board. His achievements received international recognition in 1931 when he was awarded, with F. Bergius, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for high-pressure synthesis.
    1932, Über die Entwicklung der chemischen Hochdruckindustrie bei der Aufbau der neuen Ammoniakindustrie.
    Further Reading
    K.Holdermann, 1953, Carl Bosch, Leben und Werk.

    Biographical history of technology > Bosch, Carl

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  • Haber, Fritz — born Dec. 9, 1868, Breslau, Silesia, Prussia died Jan. 29, 1934, Basel, Switz. German physical chemist. After early research in electrochemistry and thermodynamics, he developed, with his brother in law Carl Bosch (1874–1940), the Haber Bosch… …   Universalium

  • Haber, Fritz — (1868 1934)    chemist; awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for synthesizing ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen. Born in Breslau (now Wroclaw), he studied chemistry to better assist his father s dyestuff firm. His aptitude led, however, to a… …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • Haber , Fritz — (1868–1934) German physical chemist Haber, the son of a merchant, was born at Breslau, now Wrocław in Poland. He was educated at Berlin, Heidelberg, Charlottenburg, and Jena, and in 1894 he became an assistant in physical chemistry at the… …   Scientists

  • Haber, Fritz — (1868–1934)    German chemist and Nobel laureate, 1918. Haber developed a process for synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen by combining them under pressure, using iron as a catalyst. The Haber process, as it was called, was adapted for …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

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  • Haber, Fritz — ► (1868 1934) Químico alemán. Fue premio Nobel de Química en 1918, compartido con Bosch, por idear un proceso para la obtención del amoniaco. * * * (9 dic. 1868, Breslau, Silesia, Prusia–29 ene. 1934, Basilea, Suiza). Fisicoquímico alemán.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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